Introducing New Settings to Easily Manage Divi Cache

by Sep 17, 2024Announcements

The Divi Pixel plugin has long been a favorite tool for those building and customizing websites with Divi, offering a wide range of enhancements to streamline design and functionality. With every update, the plugin brings new features that make web development faster and more efficient. The latest addition to the plugin includes several new settings that will help you manage one of the most important aspects of maintaining your Divi website – cache management 🚀

In the previous update, we enhanced the Lottie Icon module by introducing support for dotLottie files, a more lightweight and efficient format. This new file type is much smaller in size compared to standard Lottie JSON files, offering a noticeable boost in website performance. By switching to dotLottie, you can reduce load times and improve the overall user experience, making your site faster and more responsive.

Cache plays a critical role in delivering smooth website performance, but it can also lead to frustrating issues when outdated files are loaded for visitors instead of the latest changes. This often causes styling issues or prevents updates from being visible on the front end. The new Divi Pixel settings provide more control and flexibility, ensuring that your website’s cache is handled efficiently and automatically without unnecessary delays.

In this post, we’ll explore why clearing the Divi cache is essential, the newly introduced cache settings in Divi Pixel, and how you can take advantage of options like scheduled cache clearing and event-based cache clearing to keep your website running smoothly.

Why Clearing the Divi Cache is Critical

In many cases, when you experience styling problems or notice that changes you made to your Divi website aren’t reflected on the front end, the culprit is often the Divi cache. This cache is dynamically generated and helps speed up your website by temporarily storing data so it doesn’t have to be loaded repeatedly. However, when you make updates to your website—whether changing a design, adding new content, or updating plugins—this stored cache may not immediately update.

When the cache doesn’t reflect the most recent changes, visitors may see outdated styles or layouts, leading to a poor user experience. This is where clearing the Divi cache becomes critical. By clearing the cache, you can ensure that the latest version of your site is rendered for all users, ensuring a seamless and visually consistent experience.

Regular cache clearing helps prevent conflicts and errors, especially when using third-party modules or making frequent changes to your Divi layouts. It’s a simple yet crucial task for maintaining a healthy and up-to-date Divi site.

New Clear Divi Cache Settings Available in the Divi Pixel Plugin

To make managing the Divi cache easier and more efficient, the latest release of Divi Pixel introduces new cache-clearing settings. Previously, the plugin offered quick links in the WP admin bar, allowing users to manually clear the Divi cache with a simple click. This handy feature helped many site owners quickly fix cache-related issues.

Now, Divi Pixel takes it a step further by adding brand new settings that allow for automated cache management. You no longer need to remember to manually clear the cache after every update. With the new options, you can set the plugin to automatically clear the cache on a schedule or after specific WordPress events. This automation is designed to save you time and prevent common cache-related headaches, ensuring your site always displays correctly for visitors.

Clear Divi Cache on a Schedule

One of the standout features in the new release is the ability to clear the Divi cache on a set schedule. This feature allows you to select an interval that fits your needs, ensuring the cache is regularly cleared without any manual intervention. You can choose from five different intervals: hourly, twice a day, daily, weekly, or monthly.

This feature is perfect for websites that are frequently updated or sites that rely heavily on third-party modules. By scheduling regular cache clearings, you can reduce the likelihood of visitors encountering outdated content or broken styles, ensuring your pages always look their best.

Clear Divi Cache on Specific Events

In addition to scheduled cache clearing, Divi Pixel also introduces the ability to automatically clear the Divi cache after specific events occur in WordPress. This option is particularly helpful when certain actions—such as updates or content changes—often lead to cache-related display issues.

With this new setting, you can choose to clear the Divi cache after any of the following events: theme or plugin updates, saving posts, or exiting the Divi Visual Builder. This is especially useful when using Divi Library items in third-party modules, where styling might break unless the cache is cleared. You can select multiple events to ensure the cache is flushed as needed, helping your site reflect changes instantly and preventing potential layout problems.

The latest Divi Pixel update offers powerful new tools for effortless cache management. With options to automate cache clearing on a schedule or after specific WordPress events, your site stays up-to-date and free of common styling issues. These new settings save time and keep your user experience smooth.

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Maciej Ekstedt

Maciej Ekstedt

Maciej, co-founder of Divi Pixel, is a passionate web designer and marketing expert who thrives on turning creative ideas into effective strategies. His fascination with the intricacies of megalopolises influences his work, where he meticulously crafts detailed solutions for his company.