Flip Box for Divi

The Divi Pixel Flip Box module makes your content more interesting with an interactive before and after effect. The flip animation works seamlessly, with no hiccups or stalls.

Divi Pixel Flip Box

Most easiest way to add Flip Box to Divi website

The Flip Box is another custom module that adds smooth interactivity to your Divi website to engage your visitors. You can add icons or images, titles, descriptions, and buttons for both the front and back of the cards. You can also control both side’s backgrounds, set the flip direction, duration, and more!

Front Card Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla tristique ullam.

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Back Card Title

Vestibulum quam ligula, fringilla vitae tincidunt nec, fringilla ut nisi. Etiam id lorem efficitur, cursus elit et, lacinia.
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Front Card Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla tristique ullam.

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Back Card Title

Vestibulum quam ligula, fringilla vitae tincidunt nec, fringilla ut nisi. Etiam id lorem efficitur, cursus elit et, lacinia.
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Front Card Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla tristique ullam.

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Back Card Title

Vestibulum quam ligula, fringilla vitae tincidunt nec, fringilla ut nisi. Etiam id lorem efficitur, cursus elit et, lacinia.
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Front Card Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla tristique ullam.

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Back Card Title

Vestibulum quam ligula, fringilla vitae tincidunt nec, fringilla ut nisi. Etiam id lorem efficitur, cursus elit et, lacinia.
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Sarah Doe

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla tristique ullamcorper sapien sit amet fermentum.

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Sarah Doe

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla tristique ullamcorper sapien sit amet fermentum.

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Sarah Doe

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla tristique ullamcorper sapien sit amet fermentum.

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Quality Meat

Quality Meat

Vestibulum quam ligula, fringilla vitae tincidunt nec, fringilla ut nisi. Etiam id lorem efficitur, cursus elit et, lacinia purus.
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Chicken Wrap

Chicken Wrap

Vestibulum quam ligula, fringilla vitae tincidunt nec, fringilla ut nisi. Etiam id lorem efficitur, cursus elit et, lacinia purus.
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King Prawns

King Prawns

Vestibulum quam ligula, fringilla vitae tincidunt nec, fringilla ut nisi. Etiam id lorem efficitur, cursus elit et, lacinia purus.
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Circle Info

Display your information in a beautiful and creative way with icons and images on the circumference and content within a circle.

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Circle Info

The Divi Pixel Info Circle module adds an interactive element to your website. It serves as a multi-functional module. You can add multiple elements in one module and allow users to switch between them using intuitive icons placed around the circumference perimeter.

Tile Scroll

The Divi PIxel Tile Scroll module allows you to enable a background scrolling effect combined with selected images.

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Tile Scroll

The parallax scrolling effect was one of the top web design trends lately. The Tile Scroll module was developed to add that WOOW effect to your Divi website. If you are bored with displaying images in a static form, this module is for you!

SVG Animator

SVG Animator module allows you to animate SVGs, giving them the appearance of being drawn.

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SVG Animator

The Divi Pixel SVG Animator is highly customizable and will help you add amazing animations to your SVG images using built-in module features.

Advanced Tabs

Advanced Tabs module for Divi allows you to add any information you want in separate tabs. You can add as many tabs as you need.

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Advanced Tabs

The Advanced Tabs module allows you to add a tabbed section anywhere on your Divi website. It allows you to represent a large amount of information concisely within a small arena. Display custom content or saved templates in tabs with more styling controls with the Divi Pixel Advanced Tabs module for Divi.

Popup Maker

Meet the most effective popup for Divi! Create amazing popups and display them on your Divi site using advanced triggering settings.

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Popup Maker

The Popup Maker adds a new custom post type to your WordPress dashboard where you can design popups using the Divi Builder. Thanks to the beautiful user interface, the popup maker settings are intuitive and easy.

Expanding CTA

Add an interactive call to action section to your Divi website with ease using the Divi Pixel Expanding CTA module.

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Expanidng CTA

The Divi Pixel Expanding CTA module will help you create a more engaging and beautiful call to action sections. Add image & icon, title, description and button and expand the whole section to get user attention when he is in a viewport.



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In in odio ut purus varius efficitur et eget est. Donec eleifend nulla ligula. Fusce malesuada et quam.
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In in odio ut purus varius efficitur et eget est. Donec eleifend nulla ligula. Fusce malesuada et quam.
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