The Brand New Blog Slider Module Is Here!
Today we’re excited to introduce a brand new module: Blog Slider. It’s the 17th module added to the Divi Pixel plugin. With the Blog Slider, you can easily display your blog posts in a beautiful and interactive slider form.
The Blog Slider Module is fully customizable and can be used to level up your content marketing game by displaying sliding posts on your website. This module comes with custom-designed elements. And we’ve extracted post date and author to display it in a more appealing and attractive way.
In this latest update we’ve addressed minor issues such as different header styles customization, implementing animation delay for the Counter Module, and removed text wrappers from modules when text isn’t added, and more!
Let’s take a closer look at what the Divi Pixel Blog Slider module has to offer.
Blog Slider module settings
The Divi Pixel Blog Slider module is easy to use and works great on mobile devices. This module, like all other Divi Pixel modules, is highly customizable and offers tons of customization settings.
The first thing you will notice after the module is added to your page is the Content tab where you can select how many posts will be displayed, define if you want to display only specific categories of posts or all posts, and tweak content text length.
More important settings can be found in the Elements tab. This is where all blog post elements can be enabled or disabled. Let’s say you want to display only the post title and comment count with the Read More button, in this tab all other elements can be disabled to achieve the exact design that you’re looking for. In this tab you can also define the Featured Image height, and change Read More button text.
In the Slider Settings tab you can control how your Blog Slider will be displayed on different devices. The Blog Slider module offers responsive options for the Number of Columns and Spacing settings, so you can easily tweak and adapt your slider for desktops, tablets, and mobile devices.
Here you can also select an amazing Coverflow 3D effect, add arrows and/or pagination navigation, define slide animation duration, and enable loop and autoplay options.
Built-in Hover Animations and Design Settings
In the Design tab you can customize the look and feel of your Blog Slider module. We’ve made it simple to add Image Animation and an Overlay Background to images, so when users mouseover, the blog post image will animate smoothly, giving a pleasing user experience.
In the Image Animation section, you can add one of the three built-in animations to the image. Rotate animation will zoom out and rotate on mouseover. There are also ZoomIn and ZoomOut animations available. All of them can be combined with Image Overlay settings, which offer hover options too, so you can easily make the image darker by default, and highlight it with a softer overlay on hover.
The next tab is the Blog Item, where you can customize the look of a single blog box. You can select a background color, add a border radius, control the border width, color, and add a box shadow.
The Blog Text tab is divided into 4 subtabs where you can customize all text displayed in the Blog Slider. You can customize Title, Content, Categories, and Author text.
In the Blog Date tab you can customize the look of the date ribbon. You can change background and text colors, fonts, add a border, make it circular, and tweak its position.
The next tab is dedicated to Arrow Navigation customization. The blog Slider module allows you to display arrow navigation, and in this tab you can select the navigation icon, tweak its positioning, colors, size, and spacing. Positioning settings are responsive, so you can define different positioning for desktops, tablets, and mobile devices.
In the Pagination tab you can customize the dot navigation displayed at the bottom of the Blog Slider. You can customize the dot colors and tweak the positioning.
The last custom tab with settings is for customizing the Read More button. These are all same settings as in all Divi modules where buttons can be customized. You can change colors, fonts, add icons, borders, button shadows, and more.
Introducing the Beta Program
In version 1.3 we’re introducing a beta program available for all Divi Pixel users. This setting can be accessed from the plugin settings page. We are constantly improving the Divi Pixel plugin which requires loads of coding and testing. Before we release an official update, all Divi Pixel users can have access to the latest beta version. All you need to do is to enable the toggle for Beta Updates in Divi→Divi Pixel→Settings.
You can use the Divi Pixel Blog Slider and many more cool Divi modules on your Divi website with the Divi Pixel plugin. Select your plan and start building awesome websites today! We are offering a 14-day money back guarantee, so joining Divi Pixel is risk-free!
Maciej Ekstedt
Maciej, co-founder of Divi Pixel, is a passionate web designer and marketing expert who thrives on turning creative ideas into effective strategies. His fascination with the intricacies of megalopolises influences his work, where he meticulously crafts detailed solutions for his company.
Enhance your Divi Theme with Custom Settings and New Modules. Start Creating Awesome Websites with the Divi Pixel
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This looks really good, I can think of plenty of website which would benefit from this slider. I will be trying it on my business directory later this week.
Thanks Matt! I’m really glad to hear that you like the new Blog Slider module! There are more modules to come 🙂