Introducing Filterable Gallery for Divi

by Oct 4, 2022Announcements, Pixel Modules

Today we are super excited and would like to introduce you to another great module that will allow you to display your photo galleries in a beautiful way 🤩

Vacation time is a period when jobs slow down. It is a time when we rest and recharge our batteries to come back with a fresh mind and full verve to work. Today we’re back with a new module. We are extremely excited to introduce to you a brand new module. The Filterable Gallery will allow you to build beautiful photo galleries which can be filtered by category.

It was not easy, however. WordPress’ Media library has no taxonomy by default, so image filtering was impossible. We had to add a new taxonomy so that photos uploaded to the Media Library could be categorized, which made it a pleasure to build a module dedicated to this.

Introducing Filterable Gallery for Divi

The new Filterable Gallery module opens a bunch of new possibilities in designing websites using the Divi Pixel plugin. In fact, it can be used not only to display photo galleries. It has many more features that were also available in Masonry Gallery. We are talking about the possibility of adding an image overlay with an icon, image title, and caption text that will be displayed when you hover the mouse over the image. We even went a step further. We made it possible to use a lightbox and a link at the same time, so the gallery items can lead users to another page.

New WP Media Library Taxonomy

To allow image filtering we had to add a new taxonomy to the WordPress media library. Thanks to the new taxonomy, we can add categories in the media library and assign individual images to categories, which will allow them to be filtered. Images can not only be assigned to specific categories. We can also add an image title, caption and link if we want the image to open a new page after clicking.

Image Overlay Effects

The Divi Pixel Filterable Gallery offers amazing hover effects. As mentioned above, you can add a title, caption and icon, and display it nicely after the user hovers over the image. There are 7 built-in animations we can choose from for the image. We can also define animations individually for the title, caption and icon. Combining different animations for different elements will ensure the best user experience.

Create stunning galleries

This new module will be perfect to showcase your portfolio, services, team members, restaurant menu, and more. The advanced module options allow you to create unique galleries and add amazing hover effects using built-in overlay settings. This module offers 2 modes that will help you display masonry or grid layout. You can also control columns number, grid spacing and customize the single grid items just like you want by adding a border, box shadow, spacing, and more.

What’s next?

Our team is constantly working on new modules and improvements, but in the meantime, we also fix bugs and improve current modules that are available in the plugin. Below are some important improvements and fixes, and the full change log can be found here.

We also have some beautiful new Layout Packs that will be coming soon. In the next major update, we are going to release Layouts Importer, which will be a game-changer. Thanks to it, importing layouts will be much easier, because we have designed a user interface where you can install the layout pack directly from the Divi Pixel plugin dashboard. If you want to see more cool stuff we are working on, please check our Product Roadmap.

Layout Importer

Install Divi Pixel Layout Packs directly from the Divi Pixel plugin dashboard, with one click!

New Layout Packs

We are constantly working on new Divi Pixel Layout Packs that will speed up your web design process significantly. In the next coming days, we will release Electrical layout pack.

Filterable Grid

The Divi Pixel Filterable Grid is the new module that will be released in the next few weeks. It’s a powerful module for displaying filterable custom post types on your Divi website.
That’s all for today. In the next major release we will publish the Divi Pixel Layout Importer, so stay tuned! We’d love to hear your feedback. Share your opinion in the comments below 🙂 If you would like to connect with other users that are using the Divi Pixel plugin, join the Divi Pixel Community today! You are invited!
Maciej Ekstedt

Maciej Ekstedt

Maciej, co-founder of Divi Pixel, is a passionate web designer and marketing expert who thrives on turning creative ideas into effective strategies. His fascination with the intricacies of megalopolises influences his work, where he meticulously crafts detailed solutions for his company.